City Grooming is a user-participatory activity in JEFFWorld aimed at creating a utopia. It is a core content that constitutes the metaverse. The various contents in JEFFWorld culminate in City Grooming, where users can play individually or in groups to expand and enhance the JEFF World experience.
When the avatar runs out of stamina and completes the City Grooming content play, it will earn a reward ($JEFF token) and an additional point will be given to the avatar: ECO STEP.
The EcoStep is managed by a leaderboard ranking system, and you can see which users contributed a lot to JEFFWorld.
The ECO STEP is used as follows.
City grooming Phase Expansion (road cleaning → park gardening → bridge finding)
Use in Avatar Training System
Avatar HOTEL rental maintenance function
A prize event using a leaderboard
City Grooming is divided into three phases.
If many users achieve a certain quantity of ECO STEP accumulated using City Grooming, City Grooming enters the next phase.
Road Cleaning
It's a work to clean up Jeff World, which has become a dystopia. It acquires crystals scattered everywhere, paving the way and purifying the city.
Park Gardening
It begins to cultivate and decorate the purified Jeff World and begins full-fledged urban reconstruction. From Park Gardening, it is more effective when several people gather and play.
Bridge Finding
A bridge is built between the disconnected islands to enable mutual exchange. The Union rebuilding the bridge can receive exclusive rights and rewards for that bridge.
Park Gardening (TBA)
Bridge Finding (TBA)