
COM.Store is one of the key components of JEFFWorld, where you can experience many real-world brands that you encounter in your real life. Numerous beloved brands have already established their presence in JEFFWorld, and brand COM.Stores will continue to evolve in JEFFWorld to reflect their unique brand identities. Users can visit COM.Stores to fully immerse themselves in the brand experience and even make purchases of physical products within the virtual space.

Experience the only metaverse and meta-commerce platform where payments are possible in JEFFWorld.

Digital & Physical

The products purchased in JEFFWorld are both metaverse items and physical products. When you order a pizza in JEFFWorld, your avatar will be shown enjoying the pizza, and shortly after, a real pizza will be delivered to your home!

  • Metaverse Items: These are items that your avatar can use to gain various effects such as stamina recovery in the metaverse.

  • Physical Products: When purchasing physical products, will be delivered in accordance with the delivery policy of each COM.Store

  • Various categories of products are available, including F&B, CVS, concert tickets, accommodations, and more.


By leveraging a competitive payment infrastructure, users can utilize familiar payment methods such as credit cards, mobile payments, and bank transfers, as well as use partner’s Membership points and $JEFF as payment options for meta-commerce transactions.

The supported payment methods include:

  • Credit cards

  • Mobile payments

  • Bank transfers

  • $JEFF(Token)

  • Partner’s Membership points (ex. Lotte, CU)


Purchasing physical products in JEFFWorld comes with additional benefits. When users make purchases at the COM.Store, they will receive additional rewards based on their purchase amount and frequency. Meta-commerce will now establish itself as the most rational consumption channel out.

  • $JEFF Payback

  • City Grooming items