🤖About Avatar

After the emergence of the advisors in JEFFWorld, strange occurrences have continued to take place, such as graffiti and mystery circles appearing throughout the area.

The Guardian, who was investigating the incidents based on the complaints of the JEFFys, came across a "Ancient book" that marked the beginning of these incidents.

While investigating ancient book, the Guardian found pages that could not be interpreted, and it was summary of the principles that ancestors called advisors JEFFWorld and their personalities.

The principle of connecting advisors to JEFFWorld was childhood memories

The memories include childhood innocence and mischievous minds.

They are more reliable advisors than anyone else, but they have the disadvantage of acting unpredictably.

The ancestors called them <AKDONG>, which soon became the name for the advisors.

About Avatar

Avatar NFTs are essential elements for playing JEFFWorld. While it is possible to play JEFFWorld without an Avatar NFTs, holders of Avatar NFTs can enjoy the various functions of JEFFWorld more effectively and can also earn additional rewards.

Avatars in JEFFWorld have a unique job system that sets them apart from traditional PFPs (Profile Pictures). Each Avatar has its own distinct "job" as an additional attribute, going beyond just appearance. Each job comes with its own characteristics and specialized content.

Along with the jobs, the Avatar customization parts NFT system will be the best means for holders to reflect their individuality in the virtual metaverse.

The Avatar Customized Parts NFT system, as well as the job, will be the best way for the holder to reflect his personality on a Metaverse.

Starting with Genesis Avatar, Partners Avatar(Visualize 2D PFP as a 3D Avatar) will continue to be added, and JEFFWorld will be a metaverse space where all cultures coexist. The true community-oriented metaverse will finally be realized in JEFF World.